The Clarity Consult

Complimentary session

Maybe you haven’t talked to anyone about this before. Or, maybe you’ve talked a lot, and it’s left you feeling overwhelmed with too many options but no one to lean on.

This free chat is for you if you’re looking for personal support to implement changes in your diet and lifestyle, bust through the confusion, and finally feel better (lose weight, ease digestion, recover from chronic burnout). We’ll simply talk it out… what you’ve tried, where you’re at now, what’s been keeping you stuck. And I’ll share how I can help and what coaching with me would look like.

Even just one conversation – a virtual cup of tea – with someone who intimately understands this territory can help you gain clarity to expedite your journey, and alleviate your stress, your symptoms, and your confusion.

Ready to talk?

Click here to get on my calendar.

The Partner Program has three areas which I customize to suite the individual needs of my clients. 

Remove: We’ll identify the foods and stressors that trigger your symptoms and hinder your health goals, and together we’ll explore alternatives that work for you –  so you can begin to feel both calm and confident in your body and in your life. If cravings, hidden beliefs, or old habits are keeping you stuck – I’ll have my hand on your back, helping you figure it out. And if underlying health concerns require further testing, I’ll guide you to find the answers you need. You’ll begin to feel less bloated, less stressed, and more in control of your choices, and of your future.
Replace: As inflammation goes down, and cravings diminish, we’ll add in more tolerated healing foods, herbs, and probiotics to populate your gut with beneficial bacteria, while continuing to expand the diet with nourishing and satisfying options. (This is how we’ll avoid feelings of deprivation!) Then, we’ll replace lifestyle patterns that drain your energy with ones you choose that lift you up –  encouraging better sleep, satisfying movement, relaxation, and connection.
Renew: Throughout our time together I’ll guide you to listen to your body’s messages (your symptoms), and to curate your choices based on how you want to feel. I’ll help you to identify what is and isn’t working in your diet and in your life, and to develop a way of living that feels right for you – free of deprivation and sacrifice. You’ll leave our work renewed, with a customized plan for maintaining your energy, your health, and your health goals.

Want to know more?

Click here to schedule a complimentary consult.

The Partner Program

A personalized 6-month plan

This is where I wrap my arm around your shoulder and guide you through an internal and external transformation focused not only on addressing your immediate concern, but also on shifting your relationship with food and stress to improve your overall health and well-being from here on out.

Envision this… for the next spacious six-months, you’ve enlisted a partner equally invested in your health and in your goals. Together, we’re co-creating the way forward that works for you and your life, and you’re seeing desired changes happen with greater ease. No more holding your breath until the diet is done – no more stress eating (or stress starving) – no more squeezing gigantic lifestyle changes into a pdf file. This time is different. This time you’ve got an ally who listens to your needs, understands your life’s demands, and knows how to help.

Throughout this personalized six month program, I’ll guide you to clarify your vision for your future self. This isn’t “fingers crossed and fairy dust” – instead, we’ll develop tangible goals and align actions to meet those goals. I’ll share the science behind why having a vision is so key, and how we can best use it to make desired shifts happen. Then – you’ll gain understanding for why certain foods or lifestyle habits may be keeping you stuck in patterns and symptoms, and alternatives that work for your life and schedule, so you can bridge the gap toward new and lasting changes.

When old habits, cravings, or hidden beliefs take you off track, I’ll provide you with support and accountability and offer the tools and tactics that’ll work best within your particular circumstances. We’ll speak weekly to help you implement changes and to identify and shift any obstacles or patterns keeping you from achieving results. And you’ll have my email support throughout our time together.

By programs end you’ll feel confident, supplied with your own personal plan for creating health on purpose.

We can do this together.

The Clarity Consult

Complimentary session

Maybe you haven’t talked to anyone about this before. Or, maybe you’ve talked a lot, and it’s left you feeling overwhelmed with too many options but no one to lean on.

This free chat is for you if you’re looking for personal support to implement changes in your diet and lifestyle, bust through the confusion, and finally feel better (lose weight, ease digestion, recover from chronic burnout). We’ll simply talk it out… what you’ve tried, where you’re at now, what’s been keeping you stuck. And I’ll share how I can help and what coaching with me would look like.

Even just one conversation – a virtual cup of tea – with someone who intimately understands this territory can help you gain clarity to expedite your journey, and alleviate your stress, your symptoms, and your confusion.

Ready to talk?

Click here to get on my calendar.

The Partner Program

A personalized 6-month plan

This is where I wrap my arm around your shoulder and guide you through an internal and external transformation focused not only on addressing your immediate concern, but also on shifting your relationship with food and stress to improve your overall health and well-being from here on out.

Envision this… for the next spacious six-months you’ve enlisted a partner equally invested in your health and in your goals. Together, we’re co-creating the way forward that works for you and your life, and you’re seeing desired changes happen with greater ease. No more holding your breath until the diet is done – no more stress eating (or stress starving) – and no more squeezing gigantic lifestyle changes into a pdf file. This time is different. This time you’ve got an ally who listens to your needs, understands your life’s demands, and knows how to help.

Throughout this personalized six-month program, I’ll guide you to clarify your vision for your future self. This isn’t “fingers crossed and fairy dust” – instead, we’ll develop tangible goals and align actions to meet those goals. I’ll share the science behind why having a vision is so key, and how we can best use it to make desired shifts happen. Then – you’ll gain understanding for why certain foods or lifestyle habits may be keeping you stuck in patterns and symptoms, and alternatives that work for your life and schedule, so you can bridge the gap toward new and lasting changes.

When old habits, cravings, or hidden beliefs take you off track, I’ll provide you with support and accountability and offer the tools and tactics that’ll work best within your particular circumstances. We’ll speak weekly to help you implement changes and to identify and shift any obstacles or patterns keeping you from achieving results. And you’ll have my email support throughout our time together.

By programs end you’ll feel confident, supplied with your own personal plan for creating health on purpose.

We can do this together.

The Partner Program has three areas which I customize to suite the individual needs of my clients. 

Remove: We’ll identify the foods and stressors that trigger your symptoms and hinder your health goals, and together we’ll explore alternatives that work for you –  so you can begin to feel both calm and confident in your body and in your life. If cravings, hidden beliefs, or old habits are keeping you stuck – I’ll have my hand on your back, helping you figure it out. And if underlying health concerns require further testing, I’ll guide you to find the answers you need. You’ll begin to feel less bloated, less stressed, and more in control of your choices, and of your future.
Replace: As inflammation goes down, and cravings diminish, we’ll add in more tolerated healing foods, herbs, and probiotics to populate your gut with beneficial bacteria, while continuing to expand the diet with nourishing and satisfying options. (This is how we’ll avoid feelings of deprivation!) Then, we’ll replace lifestyle patterns that drain your energy with ones you choose that lift you up –  encouraging better sleep, satisfying movement, relaxation, and connection.
Renew: Throughout our time together I’ll guide you to listen to your body’s messages (your symptoms), and to curate your choices based on how you want to feel. I’ll help you to identify what is and isn’t working in your diet and in your life, and to develop a way of living that feels right for you – free of deprivation and sacrifice. You’ll leave our work renewed, with a customized plan for maintaining your energy, your health, and your health goals.

Want to know more?

Click here to schedule a complimentary consult.