The human brain is programmed to fear “lack”. This is a survival instinct! So, when you take something away to improve your health – as in the daily bowl of ice cream or the evening glass (or two) of wine –
your brain will look for any opportunity to fill the void. Cut to…  your spoon digging deep into the pint of Ben & Jerry’s, and your hand refilling your 2nd glass of Chardonnay.
That’s why, when making a dietary change, it’s sooo helpful to shift focus AWAY from that which is being removed, and to focus on something else. In my program I’ve developed 5 unique techniques to help women do this, and in this video I’m offering one of my favorites –

the Surplus Method.

This is my go-to tool for eliminating feelings of deprivation and sacrifice that often accompany dietary shifts, and you can implement it today! Here’s how:
Choose something luxurious, nourishing, or pleasurable to ADD IN to your evening (or whenever you would otherwise sense a lack) to create a sense of abundance instead. Here’s the important part:
It must be something meaningful to you, and it shouldn’t be FOOD. (Although if you’re hungry – eat.)
Ideas for an added “surplus” might be…
  • …a foot massage promised by your partner but never cashed in on
  • …an essential oil bath that always sounds great but just never happens
  • …an online restorative yoga class that you’ve longed for but never made the time to try, or…
  • …something as seemingly insignificant as a coveted (but never purchased) magazine from the Whole Foods check out stand.
The key is to choose something that excites you, will bring you pleasure, AND that you otherwise would not receive. Give it a try. Then reach out. I’d love to hear what you choose to add in to help yourself support your change!