Some guidance for feeling better…
Do This Before Removing Something From Your Diet
The human brain is programmed to fear "lack". This is a survival instinct! So, when you take something away to improve your health – as in the daily bowl of ice cream or the evening glass (or two) of wine – your brain will look for any opportunity to fill the void. Cut to… your spoon ... more...
Why Your Brain May Be Keeping You Stuck
You and I have an innate survival mechanism. It's called negativity bias. It means our brains are always looking out for danger – to protect us from ... more...
A Hack For Making Difficult Habit Shifts
Our bodies don't always know the difference between the fear of life threatening danger, and the fear of change. So when trying to shift long standing ... more...
Why You Find Yourself Down A Rabbit Hole
I'm (for sure) guilty of this! Recently, on an incredibly busy day, I got derailed deep diving research videos on the best fangs for my daughter's ... more...